I was a moment ago wondering what the most harmful substance on the planet be...
Usually you hear things like dioxin, plutonium, and botulism (see ref 1-3). It is terribly difficult to determine which is the most harmful because it depends on how they are deliver. Plutonium, for example, can kill you contained by small amounts but it may take years.
The Wikipedia entry on plutonium have a good comment on toxicity.
"Other substances including ricin, tetrodotoxin, botulinum toxin, and tetanus toxin are life-threatening in doses of (sometimes far) below one milligram, and others (the nerve agents, the amanita toxin) are within the range of a few milligrams. As such, plutonium is not unusual within terms of toxicity, even by inhalation. In enhancement, those substances are fatal contained by hours to days, whereas plutonium (and other cancer-causing radioactives) give an increased uncertainty of illness decades within the future. Considerably larger amounts may exact acute radiation poisoning and death if ingested or inhaled; however, so far, no human is certain to have straight died because of inhaling or ingesting plutonium and many relatives have measurable amounts of plutonium contained by their bodies."
A woman.
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